The Word Magazine

Recent Stories

Empowering Young Women Globally: UIW Alumnae Mentoring High School Students

Building a Support System for Moms to Succeed

Reaching New Heights

UIW Celebrates Women Athletes

To Honor Her Father, Alumna Leaves a Legacy

Reflections of a Study

Institutional Charism

UIW’s Mexico City Campus Celebrates 20 Years of Service

The Road to Redemption

Thank you, Margaret Mitchell

Nobel Laureate Visiting UIW Fall 2023

Moment for Reflection

En las manos de Dios (In the Hands of God)

Returning Home to Lead Cardinals

Thank you, Dr. Holly Cassells

Moment of Reflection

Bridging The Americas

Champions in the Classroom

A Passion for Students in STEM

Project Helios

Moment for Reflection

Catching up with Miss Fiesta

Healthcare: A Global Solution

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